Lagophthalmos is a disorder in which the eyelids cannot be closed completely. This can cause excessive dryness and irritation in the eye and can also give rise to keratitis. The main symptoms are:

  • Excessive dryness
  • Sensation of a foreign body present in the eye
  • Pain especially in the morning due to over exposure in sleep

The part of the face responsible for this functionality are the nerves and damage to them could be due to various reasons such as:

  • Trauma
  • Injury
  • Bell’s Palsy
  • Tumors
  • Auto immune disorders
Lagophthalmos management

Dr.Harika is the Ophthalmologist in Vijayawada who holds immense experience in treating such cases. One of the two approaches can be used either the conservative one or the gold weight implant. In this process, a golden implant is inserted into the eyelid so that gravity plays its part in forcing the lid to close. Patients suffering from paralysis can benefit from this. Gold is considered because of its ability to be invisible through the skin.

Visit for Lagophthalmos Management in Vijayawada.

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