Lacrimal duct blockage is a condition in which the tear ducts have an obstruction or are blocked causing excessive tearing or mucus discharge from the eye. Most of times, this condition is congenital and affects around 5% of all new-borns.

There is no specific factor which attributes to the chances of babies having this disorder other than the presence of Down’s syndrome or other facial abnormalities.

Not all babies need surgery and some can be managed non-surgically as well. Antibiotics, massage therapy and other techniques are present to aid this process. Consult one of the leading eye surgeons in Vijayawada for more details and suggestions.

Dr. Harika Regani is knowledgeable and proficient in giving quality care with advanced technology, and the latest surgical techniques catering to a variety of eye diseases under one roof.

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Congenital lacrimal duct block management in Vijayawada
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